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Shabbat Service Livestream

Bet Shalom is a Reform Synagogue affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). Our Synagogue is a sacred community - a kehilah kedosha. Like the Israelites in our Torah, and the ger b’toshav - those that joined them along the way, we bring our individual uniqueness and diversity to enhance the whole. We are united through Bet Shalom in creating and sustaining a vibrant and caring Jewish community that supports living Jewish values, ritual, education, and opportunities for tikkun olam - repairing our world.

There are many ways for members to connect with one another, including study groups, social networking, committees, and more.

Our membership reflects the diversity of the Jewish community. Perhaps you belong at Bet Shalom, as well.
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Welcome to Bet Shalom Congregation, Rabbi Thal! It’s exciting to have you as a member of our clergy. Of course your Bio is already on our website. Let’s introduce you to our readers in greater depth through this interview.
To our community,
This past weekend, Rom El-Hai, a 29-year-old Israeli from Netanya visited the Twin Cities and spoke to our community as a part of the Faces of October 7. He shared his moving story of surviving the Hamas attack on the Nova Music Festival and asked that we continue to do all we can to stand with Israel.
Just two days ago, I had the incredible privilege of joining almost 300,000 supporters of Israel in our nation's capitol.
I write to you today in such sadness, anger and disbelief. I am feeling so many things. I feel helpless.
Dear Bet Shalom,
As Shabbat and Atzeret-Simchat Torah are coming to an end, our Season of Joy has been shattered by the horrible attack on Israel and the ensuing war.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Ali King, our Bet Shalom Religious School Director, and I just returned from a weekend of travel with eight teens from our synagogue…
Just about three years ago, I wrote to you announcing the kickoff of the “You Belong Here” capital campaign. We were in the middle of restoring our Torah scrolls and so excited to build for the future.
I am excited to return to the synagogue this week and to reconnect with our congregation. I have spent much of the last four months only a mile from Bet Shalom, but I have lived quite differently than I have for most of the past 18 years as a rabbi. In the months leading up to this sabbatical, I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish during my time away that covered three pages of a notebook.
We’re nearly to the end of an amazing school year, even with all that the world has thrown at us. It hasn’t been easy, but I am so thankful for amazing teachers, the children, and you for working together to keep everyone safe, healthy and happy.
We hope you all are doing well. We only have FIVE more sessions of Religious School - I can't believe it!! We have so much to do before the end of the year and attendance is so critical as we prepare for the Confirmation Service and wrap up the year.
In just a few days, we will join together with family or friends to retell the ancient story of our people’s redemption. The Passover Seder is one of the most celebrated rituals by Jews around the world, in large part because it takes place around a dinner table. Instead of coming to a sanctuary, we sit in a tight circle, tell stories, ask questions, and eat food.
As a friendly reminder, the Confirmation Service occurs on Erev Shavuot every year as the students confirm their commitment as Jews to the covenant at Mt Sinai with the giving of the Torah. Please make sure you have the date saved in your calendars and share with any extended family you'd like to invite.
In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Minneapolis Jewish Federation has joined the Jewish Federations of North America emergency campaign to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable Jewish populations living in Ukraine.
BSY is starting its annual food drive for ICA. We are going to focus on baby supplies as there is a current need but all donations are accepted and appreciated! You can drop these items off outside your child's classroom
Each year, JFCS provides referred individuals and families in need with a gift bag of ritual Passover foods and other meaningful items to help celebrate this holiday.
Feed-Me Farms is now accepting CSA orders - are you ready to enjoy 20 weeks of fresh, hyper-local veggies?
We are also starting our annual food drive for the ICA. We are going to focus on baby supplies as there is a current need but all donations are accepted and appreciated!
Our Confirmation Class is again partnering with Gertens to sell spring bedding plants, perennial flowers and plant cards. Proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase a gift from the class to Bet Shalom.
There are many ways to help: Volunteer, donate food, clothing, furnishings, books, etc. and cash donations.
During this time I know I join you all in praying for peace, not only for the Jewish community, but for all those in Ukraine. May we be inspired to do what we can to support those in need, whether it is through direct giving in support of the 70,000+ Jews who call Ukraine home, or through more general efforts to support all those in the country.